Would you like to unleash your brain and increase your capacity? Joey gives his 5 best tips on how to increase your brain power on his Better Ideas vlog.
Here are Joey’s 5 habits you can start implementing today that will help you become limitless.
- Learn Broadly and Thoroughly
- Read books and learn about a wide variety of topics such as auto mechanics, ancient civilizations, mathematics. Learn a new language, or how to cook like a professional for instance. But he cautions to not only read about a topic, but to become an expert by focus reading at least three books on each subject.
- Talk About These New Ideas
- Joey cautions that reading alone is not enough. You need to manifest these academic ideas into your reality and the best way to do that is to talk to somebody about them. He uses learning a new language as an example. He struggled with conversational Spanish when he was just reading books, but once he was forced to start speaking the language, he was able to master the new skill. He says in order to really master a new skill you have to focus not only on the input of information (reading) but also the output of the information to make it useful.
- Meditate
- It’s amazing how many self-help gurus say you should meditate, and Joey is no exception. He practices only 5 minutes of meditation a day to help him focus on critical, deep-thinking tasks. He is a chronic multi-tasker and uses meditation to settle his mind to focus and dive into difficult tasks.
- Limit Social Media
- This probably sounds obvious, but Joey brings his own perspective on why. He says that increasing your brain power is largely based on your ability to focus on a single task. He says browsing social media trains your mind to be unfocused which is counterproductive to his goal of focusing.
- Health and Nutrition
- Your brain is simply a large organ in your body, and the better your body functions, the better your brain will work.
These are great tips to unleashing your brain power. Do you already do some of these, or are some of these new ideas that you will put into your daily routine?