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5 Pro Tips to Protect Your Hair Before Swimming

protect hair before swimming

Protect your Hair Before Swimming! Here are 5 pro tips you can use before swimming to keep your hair looking good. Use this advice before jumping into a chlorinated pool. A little preparation goes a long way towards keeping chlorine from damaging your hair.

5 Ways to Protect Your Hair Before Swimming

  1. Wet Your Hair Before Swimming
    Your hair absorbs water. Wet your hair in the shower so your hair will absorb the tap water rather than absorbing the pool water.
  2. Wear a Swimming Cap
    Not only does a swimming cap reduce drag and make you more streamlined in the pool, it also acts as a physical barier to chlorine. Wearing a swimming cap provides a lot of protection against chlorine damage.
  3. Don’t Shampoo Before Swimming
    Shampoo removes natural oils from your hair, and these natural oils provide some protection against chlorine. Leave the natural oils in your hair alone–don’t shampoo before swimming.
  4. Add Natural Oil
    In fact, add some additional natural oils to your hair before swimming. Coconut oil or Jojoba oil is a good choice. Apply a small amount to your hair before putting on a swimming cap.
  5. Apply Conditioner
    Instead of oil, you can use a leave-in conditioner. Use Goodbye Chlorine hair conditioner to provide maximum protection.
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How Swimmers Protect Their Hair from Chlorine

How Swimmers Protect Their Hair

Men’s Hair Expert David Alexander gives his advice and 5 tips on how swimmers protect their hair in his article: How to Avoid Swimmers Hair in the Pool: Say Goodbye to Swimmers Hair.

He’s noticed, “I know several guys who spend their summers swimming and then buzz their heads to remove the damaged hair. That’s fine, but unless you want to end up giving yourself a buzzcut, maintaining your hair while swimming is important.”

How Swimmers Protect Their Hair from Chlorine:

  1. Saturate your hair with a mixture of water and conditioner before you swim.
  2. Wear a swim cap to help protect your hair from the chlorine.
  3. Swim in salt water rather than a chlorinated pool if possible.
  4. Clean your hair after swimming. He recommends a conditioning shampoo. (Goodbye chlorine has shampoo and conditioner on sale.)
  5. Keep your hair trimmed regularly to keep your hair looking healthy.

Looking for personal care products made for swimmers? Our products get the chlorine out.

Swimmers enjoy the benefits of our chlorine removal products:

  1. Effectively neutralize chlorine.
  2. Gently washes away chlorine.
  3. Restores and hydrates returning moisture to the hair and skin.

You can find products like our Original Hair Conditioner for swimmers, the #1 hair product we recommend, and our handmade chlorine removal soaps. All of our products are handmade with pure ingredients, and as a result, they are very high quality. They are also gentle enough to use daily.

David gives some sage advice about how swimmers protect their hair from chlorine. We hope to make it a little easier.

Read the entire article here: How to Avoid Swimmers Hair in the Pool Say Goodbye to Swimmers Hair By David Alexander Men’s Hair Expert

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Keep Your New Summer Hairstyle Looking Good

swimmers hair looking good

Beauty and Lifestyle Expert Emma-Charlotte Bangay tells readers how to keep their summer hairstyle looking good. She forecasts this summer’s style in her article HOT HAIR TIPS YOU NEED THIS SUMMER.

If you like to change it up, then you may choose:

  • The Blush Blonde (AKA Rose Gold)
  • The Impressionist Blonde
  • The Bohemian Brunette
  • or even the New Age Balayage

One thing is certain, if you go swimming keeping your newly-styled locks looking good will be a top priority.

Bangay gives her swimming tip, “Always rinse your hair post swimming,especially in a pool. And if you are doing prolonged lap swimming, wet your hair first and add a leave-in conditioner to it before putting on your swim cap on and diving in. This will prevent the chlorine ‘grabbing’ to the dry, porous hair shaft. If hair is wet and heavily conditioned, it will help minimize the absorption of chlorine.”

Bangay’s advice is good,  but experienced swimmers know how hard it is to keep the chlorine from damaging your hair.

Don’t worry, protecting and maintaining your new style is easier than ever with Goodbye Chlorine hair conditioner. Our conditioner releases and removes chlorine. It also restores moisture to hair that has been damaged by chlorine.

In addition, we also caution using clarifying shampoos after swimming. The reason is that clarifying shampoos leave your hair crunchy and brittle because they strip your hair of chlorine, minerals (and everything else). Our conditioner is different.

Our conditioner uses special ingredients to neutralize chlorine, heaps of oil (including olive oil) to hydrate your hair, and other ingredients to gently remove any impurities left behind. It’s the one product we recommend you use after swimming. It’s an all-in-one product for swimmer’s hair.

We recommend swimmers use the conditioner during every shower after swimming.