Goodbye Chlorine manufactures soap for swimmers and other products for swimmers’ hair and skin. Click here to see our entire product line, or our buyer’s guide.
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Goodbye Chlorine’s soap for swimmers is specially formulated. It makes the job of getting the chlorine off after swimming a snap.
Swimmers have battled for ages with the negative effects of chlorine–dry, itchy skin and a chlorine smell that lasts for days. Goodbye Chlorine soap is a game-changer. Now swimmers can easily remove chlorine from their bodies.
Soap for Swimmers: Six Bars that Work
Before Goodbye Chlorine products, swimmers have been frustrated by chlorine. No matter what soap they used, and no matter how hard they scrub, the chlorine would not come off. That’s because chlorine has a strong bond. Once it attaches to you, it’s difficult to get off–with traditional soap.
Swimmers can tell if it is still on them because they can smell the chlorine when they begin to sweat. Walking up stairs? Smells like chlorine. Dancing? Smells like chlorine. Walking on a warm day? Smells like chlorinde. Okay, you get the idea. Swimmers just want it to stop.
Swimmers can tell if it (chlorine) is still on them because they can smell the chlorine when they begin to sweat.
Our soap gets the chlorine off. Interestingly, you don’t need a strong soap like lava bars or other aggressive soap made for dirty jobs. Swimmers are incredibly clean after swimming because chlorine does a fantastic job of cleaning. And because swimmers are so clean after swimming, they just need to get the chlorine off.
A mild soap will do if it neutralizes and releases the chlorine. A moisturizing soap would be even better because chlorine has stripped the oil from swimmers’ skin.
Our soap for swimmers does all of this and more.
- Releases Chlorine
All of our products are designed to neutralize and release chlorine. Remember the strong bond of chlorine? Our products contain chlorine reduction agents that immediately reduce chlorine and release the strong bond. - Removes Chlorine
Our mild soaps carry chlorine away once the chlorine bond has been broken. We’ve made them mild because once the chlorine bond is broken, hard scrubbing is not necessary. Gently washing with our soap is enough to get the chlorine off. - Moisturizing
Our soaps are made from pure and natural ingredients, and are super emmoilient. That means they help moisturize your skin. - pH Balanced
Chlorine is very alkaline. Our soap neutralizes the chlorine and helps to balance the pH of swimmers’ skin. - Smells Great
Our soaps have mild fragrances that smell great. For people who are sensitive to perfumes, we have two soap bars without fragrances and they smell great too.
Two All-Natural Bars
Nak’d Body Soap
The Nak’d Body Soap is a minimal soap. We’ve formulated it for people who want just the basics without any fancy colorants or fragrances. It’s a plain soap bar that works hard getting the chlorine off.
Natural Chlorine Removal Soap
The Natural Chlorine soap bar is similar to the Nak’d Body Soap. However, it contains Titanium Dioxide so we can make some fancy patterns in the soap. Titanium Dioxide is a natural white colorant (you know the stuff lifeguards use to protect their noses from sunburn).
Two Specialty Bars
Orange Pool Soap
Orange Pool Soap has a light orange fragrance which is a reminder of how much Vitamin C is in the soap. Vitamin C is what we use in our soap to release chlorine–and there is tons in our soap bar.
Morning Workout Soap
There is nothing better after a hard morning workout than a cup of coffee (and maybe a doughnut). We use coffee and vibrant essential oils in our Morning Workout soap bar. The essential oils add a refreshing fragrance, and the coffee grounds act as a mild exfoliant. Enjoy morning workouts a little more with our morning workout soap bar.
Two of the Best Soaps
Original Chlorine Neutralizing Soap
As the name suggests, this is the original soap for swimmers. Nice fragrance that matches with our other original products. This soap will get the chlorine off. It’s a fantastic soap bar.
Tea Tree Soap
We’ve updated the traditional tea tree soap with a mild mint fragrance. This should be called the Tea Tree and Mint soap bar. If you like tea tree fragrances, you’ll love our tea tree (and mint) bar.
These six soap bars will work hard to get the chlorine off, and help you leave the chlorine smell in the pool.