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Chlorine Removal Shampoo for Swimmers

chlorine removal shampoo

Goodbye Chlorine manufactures chlorine removal shampoo and other anti-chlorine products for swimmers’ hair and skin. Click here to see our entire product line, or our buyer’s guide.

Listen to the audio version of this article.

Chlorine Removal Shampoo is a great product to keep chlorine from damaging your hair. Read on and we’ll give you all the details.

Is your hair drying out from swimming regularly? If so, you’re not alone. Ever since swimming pool operators have been using chlorine to sanitize their pools, swimmers have had to deal with the unfortunate side effect called “swimmer’s hair“.

Chlorine was a great discovery for sanitizing swimming pools, and I think speaking for most swimmers we’re grateful for clean, healthy pools. However, it would be great to leave the chlorine in the pool after swimming.

As you have found out, chlorine is tenacious and has a way of hanging around long after you are finished swimming. It sticks to your hair and skin like glue. Have you tried taking showers multiple times only to find that the chlorine smell just stays on you? Yep, that’s not your imagination, that’s actually the chlorine.

You don’t have to put up with these negative side effects any longer. And the dry, crunchy hair that has, in the past, immediately identified swimmers outside of the pool? That’s no longer a problem either.

So how do you avoid swimmer’s hair in the first place? We recommend the first thing you do is wear a latex swimming cap and wet your hair in the shower before swimming. The swimming cap will provide a physical barrier between your hair and the pool water. It’s not foolproof though, and pool water will find its way into the cap.

Using a swimming-specific shampoo like our ELITE shampoo for swimmers is a great chlorine removal solution.

The brand Goodbye Chlorine is for swimmers who are in the pool up to 5 times a week. If you are a recreational swimmer this one is made for you.

We’ve made the ELITE chlorine removal shampoo for swimmers who are in the pool more than five times a week. If you are an elite, competitive swimmer then this one will work best for you.

All of our products, including the chlorine removal shampoo for swimmers, immediately and effectively remove chlorine. Use our products after swimming and you’ll notice that the chlorine has vanished. How will you know? No longer will you experience the lingering and embarrassing chlorine odor, nor will your hair be completely fried from the pool.

If you already have severely damaged hair, check out our article Swimmer’s Hair: How to avoid it and fix it.

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Teyana Taylor on Being Your Best

This is a fun video of Teyna Taylor getting ready for the Versace fashion show.

Her passion exudes in this video. She wants to be “ten times” in everything she does. She also gives this sage advice, “If we want to be great we’ve got to read … if we don’t study the greats we ain’t going to get it.”

 Do you strive to be 10x in everything you do? Are you studying the greats so you “get it”? Are you enthusiastic and passionate in what you do?


New York’s (most luxurious) Vintage

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Tony Robbins on Priming (Expectations)

robbins priming

Motivational Speaker and Life Coach, Tony Robbins has a morning routine he calls ‘Priming’. He argues that we are both consciously and unconsciously affected by things in our environment. Recognizing this, he aims to be the biggest influence on his own mind by priming it each and every morning.

In the video below he shows how priming is done. It’s a three step process:

  1. Breathing exercise.
  2. Relax deeply and think off a time in your life when you were grateful.
  3. Think of what you want to accomplish today.

Robbins explains that we have two worlds to master: our internal world and the external world. He focuses on mastering his internal world first each morning. It makes sense because it’s something we can all change.

He hope priming helps him: live from gratitude, be a blessing to people, get stronger, and achieve what he’s committed to do. The Robbins priming routine takes a little less than 10 minutes each morning.

What do you do to set your expectations for each day? What type of routine is helpful for you to achieve your dreams and goals?

Tony Robbins morning routing he calls “Priming”

Find out more about Tony Robbins by visiting his website here:

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Dealing With Volatility (in your life)

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How Avid Swimmers Keep Their Hair Looking Good (and what shampoo they use)

swimmers hair looking good

If you are an avid swimmer, undoubtedly you have felt the damaging effects of chlorine. You’re not alone. Chlorine seems to have a way of just hanging around when you don’t want it to, and the accumulation of chlorine is incredibly drying to your hair and skin.

This accumulation of chlorine makes your hair feel rough. The science behind this is that the chlorine is alkaline and causes your hair cuticle to lift exposing the hair shaft. Then your hair shaft is exposed to chlorine and more chlorine attaches (and removes the oil from your hair). The combination of the hair cuticle lifting and the chlorine drying your hair is what makes your hair brittle and feel rough.

Using strong chemicals like cheating shampoos only make your hair feel worse. The reason is, these types of shampoos attempt to strip the chlorine from your hair. When you hair is in this fragile state, using these types of strong chemicals is a mistake if you wish to fix your hair.

Special products that keep swimmers’s hair looking good.

Anti-Chlorine Shampoo and Conditioner for swimmers
Anti-Chlorine Shampoo and Conditioner neutralizes and gently washes away chlorine.

Instead, using a mild shampoo and conditioner combination like our Goodbye Chlorine products that neutralize and gently wash away chlorine work far better.

If you think critically about swimming in a chlorinated pool, you will realize that you become very clean when swimming. Chlorine is a terrific cleaner, so after swimming you are incredibly sanitized. In fact, you are probably the most clean you will be ever. So it makes sense that after swimming you don’t need strong soap. What you need is simply to get the chlorine off.

Our products are balanced. They are mild, designed to neutralize chlorine and very gently wash away the chlorine. Our moisturizers are made to hydrate your skin. We use pure ingredients like shea butter, coconut and rice bran oil to make sure moisture is returned to your body.

Our products make it easy to manage these damaging effects of chlorine. Check out our shampoos and conditioners. If you would like to know which products are best for you, check out our buyer’s guide.

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Dealing With Volatility (in your life).

volatility your life

The stock market has been characterized as a bull market for nearly a decade. Investors have become comfortable with a steady, predictable rise in the stock market during this time. At least for now, the steady and predictable rise in the stock market has ended. As they say on Wall Street, “Volatility has returned” to the market.

In truth, these market fluctuations are more normal than abnormal. It just seems as though the market is behaving abnormally when juxtaposed with the past 9 or ten years of unusually steady growth.

Because investors have become accustom to a predictable and rising market, the volatility is wreaking havoc with their psyche. Many investors are now being whipsawed by the market–buying when they should be selling and selling when they should be buying. 

Some, but not all investors have the jitters. Those with an investment plan and a solid understanding of why they are investing and what they intend to gain from their investments are likely taking the newfound volatility in stride.

This is how life is. Sometime life is a smooth ride. Sometimes it’s rocky.

Personal values and goals provide a strong anchor when life becomes stormy and people who have them tend to ride out the rocky parts of life better than those that don’t. The old phrase rings in my ears, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” But why? Is it determination and grit? Perhaps there is some element of truth to that. But a more likely explanation is that the tough understand this: The storm is temporary and their goals will outlast it.

I used to be an avid, competitive sailor and I’m reminded that everyone is a good sailor in calm weather. But when the weather gets stormy, whoa, watch out! As the wind increases, the effort required to sail and the danger of sailing rises exponentially.  When the wind blows hard like this you quickly find out who has prepared and who hasn’t.

Is your life calm now or stormy? Are you preparing for a return of volatility in your life? Do you have a plan, clearly defined values? Are you training in calm weather so when the storm clouds roll in you’ll be ready?

These are good questions to ask every day. Be prepared!

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New York’s (most luxurious) Vintage

When I think of vintage stores I think of dusty old St. Vincent DePaul, Value Village or Goodwill. Great deals can be found if you are courageous enough to risk the environmental hazards that lurk on every rack. It’s not the idealistic shopping experience that I’ve come to appreciate and enjoy.

Never in a million years would I have thought a vintage store could be a luxury buying experience, and certainly wouldn’t have ever imagined that it would be so exclusive you would need to be vetted and could only rent garments, not buy them.

Shannon Hoey, Founder and Owner of New York Vintage in Chelsea became so good at collecting vintage she was able to do just that. Yes, you need to be vetted to see her collection, and–wait for it–you can’t buy it.

Hoey was offered “6 figures” for Sarah Jessica Parker’s Sex in the City bridal headpiece from a Saudi Princess and turned it down. So it’s no joke, the garments really aren’t for sale.

Her so-called “showroom houses over 150 years important fashion” and she has catered to clients such as Michelle Obama who for one event dressed in vintage.

Hoey appreciates knowing that, “somehow (she’s) inspired somebody to take an idea and run with it.”

What is it that you do, and do you do it so well you inspire others? Hoey has forever changed my idea about vintage clothes. Can your ideas change minds like this?

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We’re in it Together


No matter who you are, we share similar dreams.  A better world for our children, more freedom, increased security and to be more connected. A powerful way we can achieve our own dreams is to help others achieve theirs.

One thing you can do today is to inspire somebody to be better. One of the best ways to inspire people is to listen to them. So commit yourself today and listen carefully to someone. Then encourage them.

This one person may be your child, your spouse, a family member, a colleague or acquaintance.  Making a habit of being empathetic and encouraging will make you into a leader, at least with those who you care about. After all, isn’t making good habits the cornerstone of successful people?

We’re all in it together. We all have pain, fears and self-imposed limits. That is until someone comes along and listens.

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Goodbye Chlorine Now Accepts Bitcoin Payment

Bitcoin Logo

Goodbye Chlorine now proudly accepts Bitcoin cryptocurrency as a convenient payment method for our customers.

Goodbye Chlorine is the industry innovator in anti-chlorine personal care products and we are happy to announce our acceptance of Bitcoin payments.

Tech-savvy customers can now feel comfortable using our cryptocurrency payment gateway for fast, secure transactions.

Goodbye Chlorine manufactures anti-chlorine shampoo, conditioner, soap, shower gel and styling products for swimmers and people who have chlorine sensitivities.

Our products battle swimmer’s hair and dry, itchy skin experienced by swimmers after prolonged contact with chlorinated swimming pools.

We distribute the following anti-chlorine product brands: ELITE, Goodbye Chlorine, Swimmer Kids and Protect.

Bitcoin Accepted Here

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Conditioner for Chlorine Hair

conditioner chlorine hair

Have you been looking for a conditioner that removes chlorine from your hair? Then you’ve found the right place. Goodbye Chlorine makes conditioner and other products for chlorine hair.

Regular swimming is excellent for your health. Are you beginning to feel the mental and physical benefits from swimming? If so, you may have also noticed your hair isn’t feeling so great. Let’s look at some ways to battle the condition known as “swimmer’s hair”. You may need a conditioner for chlorine hair.

Read on. This article will help you choose a conditioner for chlorine hair (or swimmer’s hair as it’s commonly called).

Swimming and the consequences of Swimmer’s Hair

Since the invention of chlorinated swimming pools, swimmers have battled with the damaging effects of chlorine. It is so common, that some ELITE swimmers surrender to “swimmer’s hair” and shave their heads. Some wear the lingering chlorine odor as badge of honor. It’s proof of swimming for 2-3 hours a day.

In the past, swimmers found ways to cope with these problems. Fortunately, damaged hair and chlorine odor can be eliminated. You may need a conditioner for chlorine hair. Read this article if you would like to learn more about how anti-chlorine shampoo and conditioner work better together.

Goodbye Chlorine Anti-Chlorine Conditioner

Recreational swimmers who are in the pool up to 5 times per week should use our Goodbye Chlorine products. Our anti-chlorine conditioner is the correct strength for recreational swimmers. It is gently and effectively removes chlorine without using harsh chemicals. Buy our anti-chlorine conditioner with shampoo and receive a discount here. We also offer a larger discount with our anti-chlorine value bundle here.

ELITE Anti-Chlorine Conditioner

Elite athletes who are in the pool more than 5 times per week should use our ELITE products. Our conditioner for chlorine hair is for elite athletes who have prolonged exposure to chlorine. It is gentle and removes chlorine without using harsh chemicals. It also restores moisture, balances pH, assists in comb out and protects. Buy our anti-chlorine conditioner with shampoo and receive a discount here. We also offer a larger discount with our anti-chlorine value bundle here.

Swimmer Kids Anti-Chlorine Conditioner

Children who are learning to swim or who love to swim should use our Swimmer Kids products. Our Swimmer Kids anti-chlorine conditioner works best for young swimmers. It effectively removes chlorine without using harsh chemicals and is gentle enough to use every day. Swimmer Kids conditioner for chlorine hair also restore moisture to chlorine-damaged hair. Buy our anti-chlorine conditioner with shampoo and receive a discount here. We also offer a larger discount with our anti-chlorine value bundle here.

Protect Anti-Chlorine Conditioner

People who are sensitive to chlorine, who use chlorinated showers or who enjoy the back yard hot tub should use our Protect products. Our anti-chlorine conditioner is the right strength for people who are sensitive to chlorine. It gently and effectively removes chlorine without using harsh chemicals. Protect conditioner also restores moisture lost to chlorine-damage. Buy our anti-chlorine conditioner with shampoo and receive a discount here. We also offer a larger discount with our anti-chlorine value bundle here.

Anti-Chlorine Shampoo and Conditioner

Our anti-chlorine shampoo and conditioner work better together. See our “better together” offers for our brands: Goodbye Chlorine, ELITE, Swimmer Kids and Protect.